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IAWRT Nepal first women’s film festival

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.IAWRT Nepal first women's film festival

April 10th, 2017 at Kathmandu The International Association of Women in Radio and Television in Nepal (IAWRT) held their very first inaugural film festival “IAWRT Nepal first women’s film festival”. In this event which Shivam Group Holiday was their official Hospitality partner. The main person of the Nepal Chapter of IAWRT was Anupa Shrestha. The one-day event put forward some of the films produced by women from countries including Nepal, Japan, China, Malaysia, and India.


The one-day film festival kicked off with the latest global documentary from IAWRT which was the “Velvet Revolution“. Then some of the Nepalese films were screened along with some of the selections from the 13th Annual Asian Women’s Film Festival that was held in New Delhi, India just the past March.
Nepali film Butte Jama received high praise in the event which showed some of the tragic memories of the devastating earthquake 2015. The Film Festival showcased some of the short and experimental films from Japan, China and India as well.

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