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Kathmandu runs for Breast Cancer Awareness | Pinkathon Kathmandu 2017

Kathmandu runs for Breast Cancer Awareness

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Leisure Port along with Shivam Group Holiday as the hospitality partner organized the Pinkathon Kathmandu, a marathon event for women in the capital Kathmandu on February 24.


The event included four main categories which included 20 km, 10 km, 5 km and 3 km race. The main motive of the race was to spread the awareness of breast cancer and women’s health. 

press meetup photos on Jan 24, 2017 at Hyatt Regency

The top three finishers in the  20 km category received the reward of Rs. 50k, Rs. 20k and Rs. 10k respectively. Similarly the top three finishers in the 10 km category received the reward of Rs. 20k, Rs. 10k and Rs. 5k respectively. While the other winners received the gift hampers from the organizer. Kanchi Maya Koju was the winner of the 20 km race. 

Mr. Ramchandra Shrestha representing Shivam Group Holiday (far right) also Milind Soman actor and founder of Pinkathon (far left)


Milind Soman the founder of Pinkathon himself was spotted in Kathmandu in November 2016 promoting for the Pinkathon Kathmandu (Source). Later he also participated in the press meetup that was held in Hyatt Regency in January 24, 2017.

Kathmandu Pinkathon was a great success since the participation of the women in Kathmandu Pinkathon Marathon was huge. Women from various walks of life gathered and participated in the marathon which began and ended in Dasarath stadium.

The event also showcased zumba and other musical performances for the participants.


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