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Holy Manasarovar & Kailash Yatra

Holy Manasarovar & Kailash Yatra

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(A Spiritual Yatra for a Better Life) Holy Manasarovar  and Mt. Kailash Mt Kailash (6,638 m/21,778 ft)  is one of the most sacred mountain in Asia. It is located  in the western Tibet, between the Himalayas and Karakurum ranges. It is supposed to be the centre of the universe also known as the ‘ navel of the world’.


The mountain has a great value among followers of Hinduism, Buddhism, Bön, and Jainism religion. In Hinduism, it is a place where Lord Shiva resides with his partner goddess Parvati. In Buddhism, this is a holy place where saint Padmasambhava had gained enlightenment. Mt Kailash is the epicenter of all Tantric forces, according to Bon religion. As well as it is considered as a spiritual place where the founder Rishabhadeva attained liberation in Jainism.


It is believed that circling around 53 km long circuit will rinse out all the life sins and 108 circulations will lead to salvation. Two holy lakes Manasarovar (4556m) and Lake Rakshastal is situated adjacent to Mt. Kailash. Lake Manasarovar is the source of four longest rivers in Asia–the Indus, the Sutlej, the Brahmaputra and the Karnali (Ganga). Most of the pilgrimages take a bath in the lake in a belief of cleansing all the sins.


Pilgrimage can attendHoly  Manasarovar  and Mt. Kailash on the foot or in the jeep ride passing through high passes, spectacular sceneries and monasteries on the way. Shivam Group Holiday Private Limited has been operating pilgrimage tours to Holy Manasarovar  and Mt. Kailash as well as various other places. We organize the best tours, trek, holiday and Yatra all across Nepal, India, Bhutan and Tibet. With our full professional assistance guided through local expertise, we aim at providing the best time of your life exploring the true wonder of Nepal.

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